School Health Office Health Services are provided to promote and maintain the health of all schoolchildren. The school nurse is available during school hours for any student who feels ill or is injured during the school day. The school is responsible for first aid measures only. The school is responsible for limited and initial first aid care for school-related accidents only. Therefore, the school nurse cannot do daily dressings of wounds incurred at home or at school.
If a student requires further medical attention due to illness or injury, the school nurse contacts the parents or guardians by phone. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide transportation in the event a student needs to go home or needs further medical attention. The school nurse is an important part of the link between the home and the school. It is vital that the school has several emergency numbers so we can notify parents if their child is ill or injured.
Students who need medication during school hours must have a medication permission form filled out by the doctor specifying the name of student, medication, dosage, time, route, and parental or guardian signature acknowledging the medication is to be given. Medication permission forms are available in the health office. An adult must bring the medication to school. All medication, even those considered “over the counter”, needs doctor’s orders and parental signature. Notify the school nurse if your child is on any medication, short or long term. The school nurse cannot serve as a substitute for the family doctor. Therefore, an ill child should not be sent to school for the school nurse to determine if the child is well enough to be in school. Instead, consult with your family doctor. Accidents occurring at home are the responsibility of the parents and cannot be treated by our school personnel. School Medical Exclusions Please do not send your child to school if the following symptoms appear:
● Any student with undiagnosed skin eruptions on head, face, or body
Open Sores: If your child has a blister or open sore on the skin, it needs to be covered during school hours. If the sore persists, it may be contagious and needs to be evaluated by your doctor.
Rashes: Rashes can appear for a number of reasons and are not always contagious. If a rash is accompanied by other symptoms or fever, it should be evaluated by your child’s doctor before sending him/her to school.
● Any student who has an inflamed condition of the eye or eyes
Pink Eye: Mildly red and watery eyes may indicate irritation or allergy. If markedly red and accompanied by thick, yellow or green drainage, your child may have conjunctivitis (pink eye). Conjunctivitis may be caused by a virus, bacteria or allergies. Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious and must be diagnosed by your child’s doctor. Your child must remain at home until the symptoms are gone.
● Any student who has head or body lice — or nits
Head Lice: Students must be treated with a special preparation for killing head lice (available over the counter at most drug stores) and progress must be made on removing nits from the scalp. Follow the instructions on the container carefully or the instructions of your health care provider. Contact the school nurse before your child re-enters school.
● A student with a temperature of 100 or more / who has not been fever-free for 24 hours or who has taken fever-reducing medication within 24 hours prior to coming to school
Fever: If your child has a temperature over 100ºF, your child should remain at home. When accompanied by a sore throat, nausea, or rash, a contagious illness is suspected. Your child should remain at home until fever free for 24 hours without medication.
Runny Nose & Coughing: Minor symptoms should not be a reason to stay home. However, if the cough is disruptive, the child should remain at home.
Sore Throat with Fever: Consult your doctor if your child has a sudden severe sore throat with fever. If strep throat is diagnosed, your child may return after being on antibiotics for 24-48 hours. Please send a note from the doctor upon your child’s return to school.
● Students having suspicious oral irritations (could indicate a Hand, Foot, and Mouth infection)
● If the symptoms of nausea or vomiting have occurred during the night, a child should remain at home until symptoms have subsided for 24 hours.
Vomiting & Diarrhea: Children who are vomiting with or without watery diarrhea should remain at home for 24 hours. If accompanied by a fever, consult your doctor.
If a child is absent from school for 3 or more consecutive days, a doctor's note is required upon return.